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Scholarships, Bursaries & Sponsorships

To support students in their pursuit of excellence, the College offers various scholarships, bursaries and sponsorships to encourage outstanding academic performance and community contributions. The HKSAR Government also provides a scholarship scheme to recognise students for their achievements in various areas. 

HPSHCC Award Presentation Ceremony 2025


HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College Scholarships for New Admittees

The College has established scholarships for applicants with outstanding results in the current HKDSE. The applicant could be awarded the scholarship upon successful admission to the College. Awardees may receive a maximum of a full first-year scholarship.

The qualified new students will be selected to receive the scholarships. No applications are required.

Other Scholarships, Bursaries and Sponsorships

With the generosity of the Directors of Po Leung Kuk et al, numerous scholarships, bursaries and sponsorships are established as an encouragement to students who have excelled in their studies or made significant contributions in serving fellow students or the community.

Mainland China / Overseas Exposure Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded to students on the basis of outstanding academic achievement, participation in extra-curricular activities and leadership qualities. The scholarship provides financial support to help students undertake a period of study in Mainland China or overseas during the summer break to develop their global perspective. The value of each scholarship is HK$10,000.

They are:

  • Gallant Ho Yiu Tai Mainland China / Overseas Exposure Scholarship
  • Koo Tung Wah William Mainland China / Overseas Exposure Scholarship
  • Lau Chun Mainland China / Overseas Exposure Scholarship
  • Leong Angela On Kei Mainland China / Overseas Exposure Scholarship
  • Ng Chun Hung Mainland China / Overseas Exposure Scholarship
  • Pollyanna Chu Mainland China / Overseas Exposure Scholarship
  • The Late Ho Chak Wan Mainland China / Overseas Exposure Scholarship
  • United Asia Finance Limited Mainland China / Overseas Exposure Scholarship

Academic Merit Scholarships

To recognise academic excellence, the scholarship is awarded to students with outstanding Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) by the end of the academic year. The value of each scholarship is HK$10,000.

They are:

  • Daisy C F Ho Academic Merit Scholarship
  • Koo Tung Wah William Academic Merit Scholarship

Service Awards

The award aims to recognise the contributions made by students in community service as well as in helping fellow students in the College. The value of each scholarship is HK$5,000.


The bursary is intended to offer financial assistance to students who would have hardship in continuing their study as a result of financial difficulty, or unforeseen changes in family circumstances.

Po Leung Kuk Padma and Hari Harilela Endowment Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded to students for their excellent academic performance or provides financial support to help outstanding students undertake a period of study overseas during the summer break to develop their international perspective. The value of each scholarship is HK$10,000.


Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme

The Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS) was established by the HKSAR Government to recognise students not only for their outstanding academic performance, but also for their achievements and talents in non-academic fields.

In 2023-24, 231 HPSHCC students were awarded the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS). Our students received a total amount of HK$3,535,000 in five types of the scholarships – Outstanding Performance Scholarship (OPS), Best Progress Award (BPA), Talent Development Scholarship (TDS), Reaching Out Award (ROA) and Endeavour Scholarship (EDS).

Joint Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 2024