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Applications & Admissions

Refund of Tuition Fee


Refund Applicant accepts a JUPAS offer

in the main round on or before 8 August 2024

Refund Applicant accepts a JUPAS offer after 8 August 2024



7 August to noon of 9 August 2024

Wednesday to Friday (10am to 5pm)

12 August 2024 to noon of 29 August 2024

Monday to Friday (10am to 5pm)
exclude all Saturdays and Sundays

Late application for refund will NOT be considered


Applicant must have accepted:

  • A 2024-2025 offer from a full-time UGC-funded bachelor’s degree programme1 (programmes offered by HKMU and HKAPA are NOT UGC-funded); OR

  • A 2024-2025 subsidised place from a full-time bachelor’s degree programme under SSSDP2.

Application Procedures

Applicant should submit the following documents to 4/F, HPSHCC, in-person within the respective application period:

a.    Supporting document(s) to prove the acceptance of an official offer from the eligible programme (e.g. email, offer letter, payment receipt, or student card of the offering institution which shows the name and the programme title of the applicant); and

b.    Copy of HKID card; and

c.    Original copy of payment proof.

If the submitted documents are valid, the applicant is required to fill in the online “Application Form for Tuition Fee Refund” on-site to complete the application procedures.


5% of the payment will be charged as administrative fee or each successful refund application. The administrative fee will be deducted from the fee paid and applicant will receive a refund net of the administrative fee.

Refund Method

The refund payment will be made by cheque once the application is approved.

  • The payee’s name should be stated clearly on the online “Application Form for Tuition Fee Refund”.
  • The payee should hold a bank account in Hong Kong for cheque deposit.

  • Any request for change of the payee name is NOT allowed once you submit the application.

  • The cheque will expire in 6 months from the issue date. The College will not re-issue any new cheque upon its expiry.

  • The College will notify the applicant when the cheque is ready to be collected by the end of this year.


  1. Full-time UGC-funded bachelor’s degree programmes are provided by 8 institutions, namely: City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong.
  2. For details of bachelor’s degree programmes under SSSDP, please refer to: