劉倚琪 Kary Lau
Other degree offer received:
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Bachelor of Science in Community Health Practice, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Senior year entry)
After the public examination, I was lost until I chose to continue my study at HPSHCC. In my two years of study in HD in Medical and Health Products Management, I learned medical science like Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology and Drug Action & Use of Medicines. I also attended an overseas attachment programme of pharmaceutical and nursing science at Tajen University in Taiwan. Lecturers are well-prepared for classes and we learned a lot from the tutorials and workshops. The training strengthed my medical knowledge. I really enjoy studying at HPSHCC.

李凱瑩 Li Hoi Ying
Other degree offers received:
- Bachelor of Science, The University of Hong Kong
- Bachelor of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Credit exemption)
- Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Senior year entry)
The curriculum of the Higher Diploma programme in Medical and Health Products Management is well-structured and designed. I am equipped with solid theoretical knowledge and given opportunities to apply what I have learnt. Lecturers stimulated and taught us how to achieve our goals. We had various platforms to apply the acquired knowledge, including internship opportunities at the Department of Psychiatry of Laboratory in the University of Hong Kong, visits to different local hospitals and medical companies, and overseas programmes at Queensland University of Technology in Australia etc. All of these experiences gave me confidence to work in the medical field.

李紀昕 Dawn Lee
Other degree offers received:
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences, City University of Hong Kong
- Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Senior year entry)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Bioengineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Senior year entry)
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology (Hons) – Biotechnology, Hong Kong Baptist University (Senior year entry)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) - Major in Nursing, Tung Wah College (Senior year entry)
During my two years of study at HPSHCC, I truly appreciated that I met a number of patient lecturers and schoolmates. Moreover, the programme provided students with a broad range of knowledge and experiential learning. For instance, I had an internship opportunity at the Department of Psychiatry Laboratory of the University of Hong Kong. All of these training and experiences molded me into a different and better person compared with what I used to be.
Some people may think that a higher diploma or a sub-degree student is less capable and motivated than students who were admitted directly to the universities through JUPAS. My experience proved that it’s not true. I believe everything is possible if you put an effort into it, and FIGIT FOR IT.

梁靜允 Wendy Leung
Other degree offers received:
- Bachelor of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong
- Bachelor of Science in Community Health Practice, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2-year programme)
- Bachelor of Hong Kong of Arts (Honours) in Applied Ageing Studies and Service Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2-year programme)
- Bachelor of Health Education (Honours), The Education University
The curriculum is well-structured, helping students to build a solid foundation on both practical and theoretical knowledge. The programme provides students with valuable learning opportunities ranging from local visits and internship to overseas study tours. I served as an intern at Active Care Pharmacy Medical Management Centre in which I was responsible to pack medicine for nursing homes. I also joined a study tour to Taiwan and gained practical experience on TPN, tests and dispensing skills. These exposure and experience are very useful for my future studies and career. Moreover, lecturers are really helpful. Thanks to all of them who have taught and supported me in these two years.

楊芷晴 Charlotte Yeung
Two years ago, I was not able to get any university offer. The Higher Diploma programme in Medical and Health Products Management helped me to obtain a qualification to enter the university. The curriculum covers courses such as Anatomy & Physiology, Pathophysiology and Drug Action & Use of Medicines. They are very practical. I can get credit exemption from these courses for the degree programme.
In addition, the lecturers put a lot of effort on teaching. They hold tutorials and teach us with various methods, specific demonstrations, company visits, and experiments. They are rich in experience and always provide me with helplful information.
My Programme Coorindator is very supportive to us. For instance, he arranges various experiential learning opportunities for us such as local internships and summer study tours. I have gained much information on my future path through seminars.
Now, I received an offer from the Nursing programme in CUHK. I am very grateful to this programme and all the lecturers who have taught me.

鍾滶楊 Max Chung
At the time of confusion and despair with my unsatisfactory DSE results, the Higher Diploma programme in Medical and Health Products Management (MHPM) of HPSHCC accepted me and showed me the way to a prosperous future. Despite the tight study schedule of the programme, the College lecturers patiently taught us with methods and knowledge, such as anatomy & pathophysiology, pharmaceutics and microbiology, in the settings of university-type learning. The overseas and summer internship opportunities at Shenzhen University and Chung Shan Medical University in Taichung, provided us with a great insight in different health-related fields, such as nursing, occupational therapy, radiography therapy, paving the paths for students to prepare well for their future careers. Other than studying, various outside classroom activities are available to allow us a rich and diverse learning experience. I am graceful that I joined V-circle Voluntary Service Team and Student Ambassador. Being a member in both teams pushed me out of the comfort zone, resulting in lots of interactions with people and involvements in college and community works.

陳芷芬 Fanny Chan
I always have an interest in the study of nursing and biology. Although my DSE result was not good enough to enter the university, I was admitted to the Higher Diploma programme in Medical and Health Products Management. This programme provided me with knowledge of medical and pharmacological sciences, and helped me build a good foundation for my further studies in Nursing.
Furthermore, the lecturers are helpful to answer my questions about study, so that I could equip myself for the university studies. Furthermore, the College arranged different intern opportunities for students. For example, I had a 2-week internship in a hospital in Taichung where I could practise and apply the knowledge. The experience was valuable.

霍靖澄 Charis Fok
The experiences of my two years of college life helped me find out the directions and goals in my career. Apart from the academic skills and knowledge, the College provided different extra-curricular activities, such as overseas exchange and internships, which enriched our exposure. I am sincerely grateful for the teachers, counselors and my fellow classmates for the opportunities and support in these two years.

馮佩玲 Gloria Fung
Other degree offers received:
- Bachelor of Science in Gerontology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2-year programme)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) - Major in Nursing, Tung Wah College (Senior year entry)
Studying the Higher Diploma programme in Medical and Health Products Management at HPSHCC is definitely a rewarding and delightful experience for me because the programme gave me a lot of opportunities to develop my strengths, build up medical knowledge, learn practical skills in dispensing. All of these enhanced my passion in nursing. The College lecturers are knowledgeable, supportive and caring. Besides, I am so fortunate that I have met a group of good friends as my study partners . We put so much effort and tried our best to strike for better academic results. Overall, studying at HPSHCC has equipped me with skills and knowledge which allowed me to continue my study in the nursing profession at PolyU and get closer to my future career.

羅俊文 Roy Law
From my previous study in the Medical and Health Products Management programme, I have learnt different aspects of medical knowledge including human physiology and drug uses. It really helps me for my future study in the university. Also, the College provides a good learning environment to the students. All lecturers teach with heart and well prepared before the lectures. They are more than willing to answer our questions about the content or our further studies. At all, the College gave me a fruitful college life to which I really feel thankful.
陳鏗榮 Henry Chen
Three degree offers received:
- Bachelor of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- 2-year, BSc in Community Health Practice , The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Year 3, BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology, City University of Hong Kong
After public examination, I applied to HKU SPACE Po Leung Kok Community College for the Higher Diploma in Medical and Health Products Management, which is an important turning point in my life and the start of my 2-year college life. The Higher Diploma programme provided me with professional knowledge in a variety of aspects, including anatomy, microbiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology, which helped me in laying a solid foundation for my further study and career. The College Lecturers are passionately devoted to teaching, they are always willing to answer student’s questions after lectures. Apart from the academic side, the College also provided me with various opportunities for extra-curricular experiences, for example, internships in different organizations and volunteer services. I am now at another important turning point, to greet the new life and challenges in university.

蔡穎怡 Evie Choi
I am glad that I have had the opportunity to study at the College. This programme provided me with knowledge of a wide range of professional topics. The internship programme and overseas study tour had consolidated the knowledge I have learnt. Also, the teaching mode at the College is quite similar to that of the university; it allowed me a smooth transition to the university life. I have an enjoyable and fruitful year of study at the College. Thanks to all of my lecturers.