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Applied Psychology for Business

Associate of Applied Social Sciences inApplied Psychology for Business

Programme Code

  • HP814 Year 1 & 2, Associate Degree (AD)



QF Level: 4
QR Registration No.: 24/001054/L4
Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2025 to ongoing
Successful completion of this programme leads to an award within The University of Hong Kong system through HKU SPACE


Application Code: ASSAPB

The Associate of Applied Social Sciences in Applied Psychology for Business bridges the vital connection between psychology and business management. This two-year programme provides comprehensive training in industrial psychology, emphasising practical workplace applications including psychological assessments, employee motivation, and leadership development. Students develop a strong foundation in understanding human behaviour in organisational settings, while learning to promote workplace well-being and apply psychological principles in business contexts.


Programme Aims and Features

Programme Aims:

The programme aims to provide a broad-based social sciences education and a solid foundation in the core areas of industrial psychology, particularly in the theories of psychological assessments, ethics, motivation, leadership and positive mental health well-being in the workplace. Special emphasis will be given to the application of psychology theories and intervention in the business domain.  


On completion of the programme, students should be able to​:

  • communicate ideas in a manner appropriate to the circumstance using English and Chinese languages (oral and written) in social and academic contexts;
  • use information technology and quantitative/numerical skills to manage information and solve daily life problems;
  • analyse and integrate fundamental concepts and ideas across a broad range of core curriculum subjects and describe their relevance to human experiences;
  • analyse and discuss the concepts, theories, knowledge and skills in social sciences studies;
  • evaluate psychology theories, models, concepts and their applications in business settings;
  • evaluate the major research methodologies and techniques used in applied psychology.


Opportunities for Further Studies

Graduates of the proposed programme may have the foundational knowledge to potentially apply for further education in social science- and business-related degree programmes, including but not limited to psychology1, business administration2, Social Sciences3, etc*.

1 The Bachelor of Psychology: UGC: HKU, CUHK, CityU, LU, EdUHK; Universities of Applied Sciences: HKMU ; Under Cap. 320: TWC, Hang Seng, HKSYU, SFU

2 The Bachelor of Business Administration: HKU, CUHK, HKUST, CityU, PolyU, HKBU, HKMU; Under Cap. 320: Hang Seng, HKSYU, SFU

3 Bachelor of Social Science: HKU, CUHK, CityU, HKMU, EduU, BU, LU; Under Cap. 320: HKSYU

*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples.

  • Obtain Level 2 or above in 5 subjectsincluding English Language and Chinese Language# in the HKDSE Examination; OR
  • Hold a recognised Diploma in Foundation Studies programme; OR
  • Hold a Diploma of Applied Education / Diploma Yi Jin; OR
  • Equivalent qualifications will be considered by the College.
Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements of the 2-year Associate Degree Programme should apply for admission to the Diploma in Foundation Studies (DFS) programme.

Mature Students

Applicants who do not possess the above academic qualifications, but are aged 21 or above and with relevant work experience will be considered on individual merit.


*Applicants are allowed to use not more than 2 Applied Learning (ApL) subjects in the application. The recognition of the ApL subjects is as follows: 

“Attained with Distinction (II)” is deemed equivalent to Level 4 or above;
“Attained with Distinction (I)” is deemed equivalent to Level 3; and 
“Attained” is deemed equivalent to Level 2 in the HKDSE Examination.

#ApL Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) would be accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification.

§ If one of the five HKDSE subjects is Citizenship and Social Development, the requirement will be “Attained” for the subject.

Effective from 2025-26 Academic Year:


Associate Degree Year 1

  • Introduction to Academic English
  • English for Academic Purposes I
  • Quantitative Analysis I
  • Information Technology Fundamentals
  • Advanced Chinese Language*
  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning in Discipline-based Studies
  • Social Problems in Contemporary Societies
  • SELF-Exploration & Enrichment
  • Principles of Sociology
  • Foundation Psychology

Associate Degree Year 2

  • English for Academic Purposes II
  • English for Arts and Humanities
  • Health, Technology and Society
  • Representation of People in Popular Art Forms
  • Psychological Assessment in Business
  • Leadership, Employee Engagement and Motivation
  • Well-Being in the Workplace
  • Personality and Individual Differences
  • Research Methods in Psychology
  • Consumer Psychology

Graduation Requirements

To be awarded an Associate of Applied Social Sciences in Applied Psychology for Business, students should:

  • obtain 60 credits (i.e. 240 QF credits) of courses as prescribed in the Years 1 & 2 curricula of the programme for which they are registered;
  • achieve a Cumulative GPA of 1.7 or above;
  • obtain Grade C- or above in all core English courses; and
  • obtain a pass for the course “CCSA8004 – China’s Development, Hong Kong and the National Security Law”. 


Successful completion of this programme leads to the "Associate of Applied Social Sciences in Applied Psychology for Business" awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE.


The College reserves the right to make modifications to individual courses on a need basis.

* Non-Chinese speaking students or students who have not received sufficient training in the Chinese language may apply for exemption from the Chinese course(s), and alternative courses may be assigned.