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Tourism and Events Management

Higher Diploma inTourism and Events Management

Programme Code

  • HP807 Year 1 & 2, Higher Diploma (HD)



QF Level: 4
QR Registration No.: 07/001615/4
Registration Validity Period: 05/05/2008 to ongoing
Successful completion of this programme leads to an award within The University of Hong Kong system through HKU SPACE

Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (SSSDP)

In 2025-26 academic year, local students enrolling and being offered the subsidised places of this programme under the SSSDP will receive a subsidy up to HK$23,390. After deduction of the subsidy, the annual tuition fee is HK$38,730.



Application Code: HDTEM



More programme information and activities details could be found on the programme Facebook page or Youtube channel:

facebook Programme Facebook Page

Tourism is one of the prosperous industries contributing to the reputation of Hong Kong as “Asia’s World City”. As Hong Kong now hosts many internationally recognised events related to sports, arts, festivals, entertainments, conventions and exhibitions, the event industry is considered an excitingly growing market - and this programme is designed to meet the increasing demand for professionally trained personnel in tourism and events management. Since it was launched in 2003, the programme has been a popular choice among students and remains highly regarded by the industry.


Programme Aims and Features

This programme aims to equip students with specialised knowledge and skills in organising events in the tourism industry. Upon graduation, students will have exciting tourism and events career opportunities both locally and overseas. Programme features include in-class experiential learning, professional talks and field trips in such areas as mega events, special events, conferences and exhibitions.


Job Placement

Practical job placement of 3 months is an essential part of this 2-year programme. Students have been given ample opportunities to work in various events organisations in the tourism industry, including Ocean Park, Hong Kong Disneyland, EGL Tours, Travel Expert, Swire Travel and Jetour Holiday.


Opportunities for Further Studies 

UGC-funded Universities

Graduates are eligible to apply for admission to Bachelor’s degree programmes offered by local universities including BSc (Hons) Scheme in Hotel and Tourism Management offered by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

The list below shows the degree offers that our graduates/ students received in the past*:

  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    BSc (Hons) in Tourism and Events Management
  • The University of Hong Kong
    Bachelor of Arts
    BSc Information Management
  • City University of Hong Kong
    BA Chinese and History
    BA Cultural and Heritage Management
    BA Digital Television and Broadcasting
    BA Media and Communication
    BBA Business Analysis
    BBA Business Operations Management
    BSocSc Criminology and Sociology
    BSocSc Asian and International Studies
  • Hong Kong Baptist University
    Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)
    BBA (Hons) Marketing Concentration
    Bachelor of Communication (Hons)  (Public Relations and Advertising)

*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples.

Graduates are also eligible to apply for the below degree programmes offered by other institutions:

Other Local Institutions

  • HKU SPACE International College
    • Full-time, 18-month, Bachelor of Science (Honours) Tourism Management, offered by University of Plymouth (UK) in collaboration with HKU SPACE International College (IC)

Overseas Universities

  • Les Roches (Switzerland)^
  • Glion Institute of Higher Education (Switzerland)^
  • Swiss Hotel Management School (Switzerland)^

^ Articulation agreement renewal in progress


Career Prospects

Upon graduation, students will be offered attractive career opportunities locally or overseas in many areas such as convention and exhibition centres, events planning and organising companies, airlines, theme parks, and public and private organisations to pursue their dream career. Some of our graduates are working in Hong Kong Disneyland, Cathay Pacific Airways, the Hong Kong Tourism Board and other various events companies.


Press Interview

Mingpao JUMP, 3 May 2024

打造香港會議展覽業品牌 發揮人才、地理、國際化優勢 克服挑戰迎商機

Mingpao JUMP 3May24

HK01, 3 July 2023

「報復式旅遊」成全球疫後新常態 港缺人才旅款課程有前景

HK01 3Jul23

Topick, 21 June 2019

【#DSE星學攻略】港大保良何鴻燊社區書院 非凡學習「旅」程

Topick News 2019 (T&H)

  • Obtain Level 2 or above in 5 subjects including English Language and Chinese Language# in the HKDSE Examination; OR
  • Hold a recognised Diploma in Foundation Studies Programme; OR
  • Hold a Diploma of Applied Education / Diploma Yi Jin; OR
  • Equivalent qualifications will be considered by the College.

Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements of the 2-year Higher Diploma Programme should apply for admission to the Diploma in Foundation Studies (DFS) programme.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Relevant and substantial work experience and / or prior qualifications obtained in or outside Hong Kong (e.g. assessed through recognition of prior learning and credit accumulation and transfer), with demonstrated ability to undertake sub-degree education, will be considered by the College. 


Mature Students

Applicants who do not possess the above academic qualifications, but are aged 21 or above and with relevant work experience will be considered by the College.


*Applicants are allowed to use not more than 2 Applied Learning (ApL) subjects in the application. The recognition of the ApL subjects is as follows: 

“Attained with Distinction (II)” is deemed equivalent to Level 4 or above;
“Attained with Distinction (I)” is deemed equivalent to Level 3; and 
“Attained” is deemed equivalent to Level 2 in the HKDSE Examination.

#ApL Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) would be accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification.

§ If one of the five HKDSE subjects is Citizenship and Social Development, the requirement will be “Attained” for the subject.

Effective from 2024-25 Academic Year:


Higher Diploma Year 1

  • Introduction to Academic English
  • English for Academic Purposes I
  • English for Hospitality and Tourism
  • Elementary Statistics
  • Introduction to Tourism
  • Tourism Marketing and Promotional Techniques
  • Event Planning and Promotion
  • Event Industry Operation
  • Accounting in Service Industries
  • Cross-cultural Issues in the Tourism Industry


Higher Diploma Year 2

  • Practical Chinese*
  • English for Academic Purposes II
  • Information Technology Fundamentals 
  • Travel Trade and Transport
  • Tourism Planning and Development
  • Service Management
  • Destination Management
  • Placement for Tourism and Events Management

Elective Cources (Choose two courses from the following)

  • Special Events Management
  • Business Events Management
  • Introduction to Catering Management


The College reserves the right to make modifications to individual courses on a need basis.

* Non-Chinese speaking students or students who have not received sufficient training in the Chinese language may apply for exemption from the Chinese course(s), and alternative courses may be assigned.