
阮嘉蔚 Carey Yuen
- 香港教育大學健康教育榮譽學士
- 香港城市大學專業進修學院與英國De Montfort University於本港合辦的商業行政及管理榮譽文學士

袁曉欣 Helen Yuen
張敏婷 Gilda Zhang
- 香港城市大學社會科學學士(亞洲及國際研究)(高年級入學)
- 香港城市大學文學士(中文及歷史)(高年級入學)

傅駿軒 Walter Fu
Abby Yung

ALE Reshma
- 香港城市大學社會科學學士(亞洲及國際研究)(高年級入學)
- 香港大學文學士(高年級入學)

MOHAMMAD Shakquil Andres
- 香港中文大學社會學社會科學學士(高年級入學)
- 香港城市大學社會科學學士(公共政策與政治) (高年級入學)

Narvic Liao
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” - Albert Einstein
Hong Kong Public examination is asking everyone to climb a tree but that is not the only way to prove your own ability. Everyone has his/her own abilities and is a particular “genius”.
At HPSHCC, it offers various types of courses for different geniuses. You can find your own passion and develop it into your profession.
For me, I have passion about knowledge on the use of medicine when studying the Higher Diploma programme in Medical and Health Products Management (MHPM). It provides me a great course structure with supportive lecturers. I am proud of myself for finding my own passion and having chosen to be a pharmacist after I graduated in MHPH. I am grateful for the teachers from MHPM who helped me to find my career path.
Without HPSHCC, maybe I would still be a stupid fish which keeps trying to climb a tree.
NGUYEN Quang Vinh
THAPA Tej Chandra
丁偉峰 Ting Wai Fung
- 香港城市大學工商管理學士(商業分析) (高年級入學)
- 香港浸會大學工商管理學士(榮譽) - 應用經濟學專修(高年級入學)