
區蕙淳 Vivian Au
- 香港中文大學社會學二年級
- 香港城市大學媒體與傳播榮譽文學士二年級

陳子敏 Venus Chan

張振忠 Eric Cheung

蔡翠鑾 Kaicy Choi
Initially, the reason for me to enroll the AD in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement programme was due to the great interest of joining the enforcement agencies, especially the Customs and Excise Department. After studying the 2-year AD programme in the College, I realised that my interest was beyond something related to criminal justice or law enforcement. With the great variety of courses and the broad-based knowledge in Social Sciences, I was able to broaden my horizons. I started to question and reflect those questions like why the society and systems change and run as what we see now; moreover, why people think in particular ways and behave in such manners. This programme has guided us to think critically and more important, helped us to realise our real interests.

朱德勇 Alvin Chu

方奕軒 Fong Yik Hin

馮凱筠 Eleanor Fung

關澧瑜 Creamie Kwan
“Throughout the previous semesters, I have no doubt learnt a lot.
Under the guidance of the professors, not only has our understanding of Social Sciences, such as Sociology and Psychology, deepened, our abilities of critical thinking, analytical skills and presentation techniques have also been greatly improved.
Besides, all the extra-curricular activities definitely broadened our horizons. The excursion to Pacific Coffee was a fine learning experience. We were given the opportunity to chat with foreigners and the staff there. We felt much more confident in our spoken English.
At the talk given by the Police, the negotiation specialists shared their experiences and fascinating cases with us. We had learnt various useful negotiation and communication skills.
Moreover, I was able to participate in the Beijing Olympics as a volunteer under the school’s recommendation. It was a once-in-a-life-time opportunity.”

林綺寧 Elaine Lam

劉東君 Lau Tung Kwan

劉泓朗 Londie Lau

潘宛琪 Rebekka Poon
“Studying for an Associate Degree, as perceived by some people, is the last choice. For me, I think choosing a suitable programme based on my ability and needs is better than following the tradition of studying Form 6. I am happy to have chosen the Associate Degree programme in “Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement” after my Form 5 graduation. I really learnt a lot and enjoyed the learning process in this programme in the past 3 years.”