
周嘉韻 Tracy Chau
Studying in the Higher Diploma for Legal Executives programme was a great experience for me. My research and presentation skills have been improved a lot after taking this programme. I treasure the time at the College.
奚錦汶 Charles Chee

鄭嘉晴 Ann Cheng
- 香港城市大學工商管理榮譽學士 – 人力資源管理
- 香港浸會大學工商管理學士(榮譽)

張浩華 Andy Cheung

張美美 Priscilla Cheung

張信然 Ada Cheung
張軒龍 Billy Cheung
The HD for Legal Executives programme is rewarding and challenging. I was given a wealth of opportunities to examine the real-world applications of legal knowledge. Under the well-designed curriculum, I mastered valuable research skills and examination techniques. My position as a class representative polished my outstanding communication and leadership skills. I was presented with the extremely prestigious Principal’s Honours List for two consecutive years and achieved HKSAR government’s scholarship. Last but not least, the programme gave me an excellent head start to my third year BSc in Information Management degree at The University of Hong Kong (HKU).

馮善同 Tiffany Fung Sin Tung
衷心感謝醫療及保健產品管理這個課程的老師,令我由一般科學、藥理學以至保健產品,都有廣泛的知識,更讓我有機會在大型公司和本地藥廠從事品質保證工作,接觸到不同產品,包括: 藥物、保健食品、中藥,這對於我日後在醫療行業發展很有幫助。

何承謙 Finson Ho
- BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance, Newcastle University (UK)
- BSc Accounting and Finance, University of Sussex (UK)
- BSc Accounting and Finance, Cardiff University (UK)

黎穎彤 Gloria Lai
兩年的課程,不但學習到各種與旅遊業相關的知識,更有機會到置地文華東方酒店(The Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hotel)實習,以及不同的戶外參觀活動,實踐課堂所學的知識。理論與實踐並重的課程,為升讀大學做好準備。書院師資極佳和設備完善,為學生提供一個優質的學習環境。擔當了兩年班代表,能夠跟校方定期會面,而書院亦會聽取我們的意見,不斷改進以更貼近同學的需要。

黎宇軒 Felix Lai
Under the HD for Legal Executives programme, I acquired a wide range of professional legal knowledge ranging from theoretical principles of law to real-world tools for legal practice in Hong Kong. After graduating from the programme, I believe my legal knowledge accumulated during the 2-year study has definitely given me a head start in life. This programme has been one of the greatest learning experiences in my life.

李兆華 Sarah Lee
"I have acquired comprehensive knowledge in the medical specialism. The programme also provided lots of opportunities on practical training. For example, I have learnt how to make ointment and syrup. In year 2, we even need to do a role play, imitating the process of patient counselling at a pharmacy. Although learning these hard and soft professional skills is sometimes challenging, I believe they would be very useful for further studies. Today, I am so glad that I have been eventually got an offer from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and I am so thankful to the College.
All in all, the programme has greatly enhanced my professional skills in the pharmaceutical field and got me well-prepared for further study in a related field at university."