嚴婉平 Iris Yim
My year at the College was undoubtedly rewarding! Studying at the College reassured my determination to get into local universities. I experienced quality teaching from devoted and enthusiastic lecturers. The interpersonal and studying skills I learnt here help a lot with my future life. Moreover, the emphasis of a proactive learning style also well equips me to adapt my future studies in universities. It was an enjoyable and fruitful experience to be one of the students at the College.

張信然 Ada Cheung
"The time spent studying at the College has been an unforgettable experience. Although, I only spent one year here, I very much enjoyed College life and realised my goals and aims for the future. During the course of my studies, I met a lot of friends, all of which were very friendly and hard-working. Furthermore, the College provided top-class facilities to work with. I had a thoroughly enjoyable time using these while working on my school projects.
From the programme, I have learnt a lot in Nutrition and Food Technology. It has helped me greatly in relation to my continuing studies and my future career. I am delighted to have chosen to study at the College."

李文康 James Lee
"Studying at the College was a vibrant and vivid experience for me. Imagine, cooking in class and participating in different local volunteer schemes – all of these activities equipped me with a broadened horizon and a critical mindset. Apart from studying theories, practical skills and sharing were also emphasised.
Through the passion and dedication of the lecturers, we gained life-long studying skills, which in turn will help us greatly to resolve the many challenges and difficulties that await us in the near-future.
Aside from providing motivation and inspiration, the College also supported me vastly in both my academic and career range. Together with the enormous support of the Student Development Resource Centre and the experienced Counsellors, College life was never so easy, flat and most importantly, fun!”

盧泳彤 Winnie Lo
- Year 2, BSc (Major in Food and Nutritional Science), The University of Hong Kong
- BSc (Hons) in Food Safety and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
"In the past two years, my study was not only about learning theories at lectures. I also learnt through various projects, presentations, lab practical sessions and site visits to companies such as LSG-Skychefs. Through these experiences, I have learned how to apply the knowledge I have studied to daily life, e.g. to be proactive and think independently. I think these personal traits are essential for succeeding in the university.
Moreover, my College life was meaningful and enjoyable. I have made lots of good friends. Lecturers and counsellors here are very supportive. Thanks for their help. I feel so fortunate that I have got offers from HKU and Poly U and have a chance to pursue a degree programme."

黃梓浩 Leslie Wong
The two years at the College is the most enjoyable and fruitful experience I have ever had! The programme in Nutrition and Food Management has provided me broad-based knowledge as well as in-depth understandings in topics related to heath and science, which serves as a good foundation for my university study. Apart from classroom learning, the College also arranged visits to food premises such as LSG Sky Chef and Lee Kum Kee factory, where I could apply the theories learned in lectures to real life. I also had a lot of fun joining various school activities such as O-Camp, Singing Contest and High Table Dinner in HKU.

楊明詩 Cholas Yeung
Chinese Version Only
- 香港大學護理學學士
- 香港中文大學生命科學理學士

甘珈齊 Cathy Kam
“Acquiring a university degree was long my academic goal and dream, but I woke up from that dream when I received the A-level certificate with unsatisfactory results. However, the door to the university finally re-opened to me after I studied at the College.
Unarguably working hard is the key leading to good academic results; nevertheless, at the College, I come to realise that the professional lecturers, quality lectures, campus facilities and counselling services all play a crucial role to make my dream of studying at the university come true. The lecturers are enthusiastic in teaching; they are patient and keen to students when explaining the abstract principles in great details, not to mention their lectures are both challenging and interesting as well.”

鄺健華 Ken Kong
- Bachelor of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong
- BSc (Hons) in Food Safety and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
“The programme covers fundamental knowledge in food and nutritional science, biochemistry, chemistry, marketing, and food safety. Besides, the programme curriculum also covers generic skills such as Chinese, English, Putonghua and Understanding Social Problems in Hong Kong, which help to strengthen my abilities in language, critical thinking and communication. With the knowledge, I was able to develop a solid foundation in food and nutritional science with essential skills for work.
‘What to learn’ is crucial, but ‘How to learn’ is important too. All the lecturers are professional. Some courses are taught by professors of the University of Hong Kong; therefore, the teaching quality is assured. With the interactive lectures and the challenging assignments, I easily understood and applied what I learnt during the lectures. Furthermore, visits to food business like Cathy Pacific Catering Services (H.K.) Limited allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge learned from the lectures. This teaching mode is much more effective and interesting than the one in secondary education; it aroused my interest in studying a lot.”

林敏麗 Mango Lam
Chinese Version Only
選擇修讀營養及食品管理高級文憑課程是由於中學時是修讀理科,對生物、化學科目比較感興趣,亦有一些認識。入讀後,我才發現課程比我想像中更為有趣、實用。過去兩年,書院經常為我們安排不同類型的活動,印象最深刻的是跟具規模的社康服務團體合作,策劃名為「健營閃耀在社區」的項目,負責舉辦數個不同類型的活動,包括嘉年華會、講座、工作坊或攤位遊戲等,讓社區人士參加,推廣健康飲食和生活。透過策劃及參與這些活動,給予我很多發揮的機會,也令我確立了自己的理想 ––– 立志成為註冊營養師。

唐梓峯 Alex Tong
Keep striving for it! If you are certainly interested in food and nutrition, I am sure choosing this programme would be an important step for you to further pursue either a higher education or a career related to the field.
In the past one year, I enjoyed an enriched school life in the College. A few of interesting projects allowed me to acquire knowledge about regulations on food label, catering service, calculation of nutrition value, etc.. One of these projects allowed us to design, prepare and serve a healthy meal all the way on our own. We needed to involve in every step from procurement to serving. On top of that, numbers of field studies and seminars allowed me to be more familiar with the catering service, food and nutrition industries.