AIDASWANI Sunil Mahesh
- BBA (Hons) in Accountancy, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- BBA (Hons) in Accountancy, City University of Hong Kong
- Year 2, BCom (Hons) in Accountancy, Hong Kong Baptist University
“Like everyone else I wanted to go to the university, but it was a huge disappointment two years ago when I learned that my A-level results did not live up to the expectation. However, it is never too late to give yourself a second chance, and I am offering you a path now to the universities, and for those who can demonstrate the determination and are willing to work hard on their aspirations -- studying at the College.
Lecturers not only provide us with knowledge from the textbook but also they are all professional who like to share their personal experiences with us. They make studying more interesting here and certainly it allows me to get the hang of those conceptual theories. Let’s not forget the 5-star environment it offers as it helps motivate all the students to work harder. These are the qualities that only the College can offer, and I am sure that this is the right place for you to start a new page here.

趙敏妍 Jovy Chiu
“Although it has only been a year at the College, what I gained is so invaluable throughout my life. To be frank, at the outset I saw the College as a shelter when my application to university turned me off. I was completely wrong as the College did offer me a hope as well as a second chance to further my studies in university.
I enjoyed my school life very much as I made lots of friends here who came from all walks of life. I learnt a good deal of things from lecturers too who all had strong enthusiasm on teaching. Besides, the College has been offering students with different summer internship programmes so that they can put learning into practice. I am fortunate to fulfill my dream as a chemical engineer and further my tertiary studies in HKUST now.”

秦霖 Steven Chun
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鍾芝琦 Katie Chung
"The time I have spent at the College has given me an ample opportunity to achieve my goals and fulfill my aspirations. The guidance and assistance from the lecturers were what I appreciated most. They were more than willing to answer my questions during and after class time.
In the past 2 years, I was honoured to be appointed as Student Ambassador with an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience and improve my ability to communicate effectively with different groups of people. Such interpersonal skills will definitely be useful as I enter the corporate world in the future."

姚見娣 Candy Iu
“Lecturers are undoubtedly professionals. They were very dedicated to teaching and I had benefited a lot from them. Apart from the knowledge gained from textbooks and lectures, I enjoyed various training in the hotel operation laboratory too. I had the opportunity to acquire practical work experience through a summer placement in a luxury 5-star hotel -- Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong. It was absolutely a valuable experience for my future career development in the hotel industry. The Higher Diploma in Hotel Management programme is well-recognised by the local universities and I have already successfully articulated to a bachelor’s degree programme at one of the local Hong Kong universities.
With the valuable knowledge acquired from the Hotel Management programme, I am proud to have the chance to further pursue my studies in the university. Thanks to all the lecturers for taking good care of me and teaching me a lot.”

甘珈齊 Cathy Kam
“Acquiring a university degree was long my academic goal and dream, but I woke up from that dream when I received the A-level certificate with unsatisfactory results. However, the door to the university finally re-opened to me after I studied at the College.
Unarguably working hard is the key leading to good academic results; nevertheless, at the College, I come to realise that the professional lecturers, quality lectures, campus facilities and counselling services all play a crucial role to make my dream of studying at the university come true. The lecturers are enthusiastic in teaching; they are patient and keen to students when explaining the abstract principles in great details, not to mention their lectures are both challenging and interesting as well.”

鄺健華 Ken Kong
- Bachelor of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong
- BSc (Hons) in Food Safety and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
“The programme covers fundamental knowledge in food and nutritional science, biochemistry, chemistry, marketing, and food safety. Besides, the programme curriculum also covers generic skills such as Chinese, English, Putonghua and Understanding Social Problems in Hong Kong, which help to strengthen my abilities in language, critical thinking and communication. With the knowledge, I was able to develop a solid foundation in food and nutritional science with essential skills for work.
‘What to learn’ is crucial, but ‘How to learn’ is important too. All the lecturers are professional. Some courses are taught by professors of the University of Hong Kong; therefore, the teaching quality is assured. With the interactive lectures and the challenging assignments, I easily understood and applied what I learnt during the lectures. Furthermore, visits to food business like Cathy Pacific Catering Services (H.K.) Limited allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge learned from the lectures. This teaching mode is much more effective and interesting than the one in secondary education; it aroused my interest in studying a lot.”

郭嘉敏 Carman Kwok
Two degree offers received:
- Year 2, BSc (Hons) Hotel Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
- Year 2, BBA (Hons) in Marketing, CityU
Studying Hotel Management has long been my goal. The full training at the College has provided me with professional knowledge and a close look at the hospitality industry. All these enjoyable and enlightening courses reinforce and solidify my intense passion in the hotel industry. In my second year, I worked as a trainee in the public relations department in The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong. It truly gets me step into the hotel industry and I am glad that I gained and learnt a lot.

黎倩如 Regina Lai
- BBA (Hons) in Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
- BSocSc (Hons) Policy Studies and Administration, City University of Hong Kong
"After studying in the Higher Diploma for Legal Executives programme, my critical thinking and analytical skills have been greatly improved. Not only did I acquire a great deal of legal knowledge in this programme, but also my eagerness for learning grew substantially over time.
As the lectures are all conducted by experienced legal professions, I am confident that the materials covered here are the most up-to-date ones. Besides, the practical nature of this course provides me a very good opportunity to apply what I learnt from classes into daily life, especially during my internship in a law firm.
I believe that this programme serves as a stepping-stone for students who want to further their studies in law or pursue their career in the legal field."

劉美岐 Miki Lau
- Bachelor of Science, The University of Hong Kong
- BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University
“The mode of learning at the College is different from that in secondary school, which learning is always put into practice. Apart from the traditional learning sessions, I enjoyed various practical and training classes in the medical and health products laboratory. I felt a lot more relaxed, happy and therefore could spend more time on the extracurricular activities, living my life to the fullest extent. I would describe my experience at the College as fruitful and full of colours. I would never forget the time spent with my classmates and Student Ambassadors, as well as the inspiring and enriching lectures by all the lecturers.
To me, the College was a place full happy memories -- at the Learning Commons, in the small yet cosy library, in classrooms and in front of a wall of corridor lockers outside classrooms. The College had truly led me to countless valuable opportunities, with which I made good use of them for my future career and aspirations.”

梁婉雯 Sherman Leung
- BBA (Hons) Business Management, City University of Hong Kong
- BSocSc (Hons) in Administration and Public Management, City University of Hong Kong
“Studying at the College was an enjoyable experience which had broadened my exposure. Apart from the traditional mode of learning, we were required to conduct group projects and prepare the presentations. The whole learning process not only helped us develop a sense of responsibility and soft-skills such as teamwork and communication with classmates, but also reinforced our understanding of the subjects.
Last but not least, lecturers are well-equipped with professional knowledge and the real life experiences they shared had given us a clear picture of what a real business world is about.”

李曼詩 Ericka Li
“I do believe my decision to enroll the Higher Diploma in Tourism and Events Management Programme was a wise one. The programme has given me a practical and supportive environment to learn and explore my potential and interests. Apart from theoretical knowledge learnt from the text books, the College has provided many placement experiences and internship opportunities to us, for instance the HK Chinese New Year Parade, HK Rugby Seven, WWF, Hong Tai Travel, Ocean Park and so on. These are all extremely useful and pragmatic to our studies as well as the future careers.
Lecturers are caring, supportive and passionate. Not only they are patient to help students work through the assignments and projects, but also they are willing to share their valuable experience and advice with us on either the future studies or career planning. We learn how to solve problems independently and analytically; we have both faith and courage that will help us encounter adversities. All of these qualities have definitely become our life-long treasures.”